(484) 873-3547 hello@apathtohope.org

What a year 2018 has been!  It is funny how life has a plan, and it may take many many years for that plan to evolve, and it may be something you never expected, but when it finally unfolds - it just feels right.

Being a mother was the greatest gift I ever received, it came naturally to me, I embraced the role and all its responsibilities.  Being a nurse helped with the expected bumps and bruises but even that could not prepare me for some of the obstacles that came to my children.

My oldest daughter was born with a cleft lip and palate.  We discovered it at 20 weeks gestation so we were able to plan.  I went into detective mode researching every craniofacial surgeon I could find, asking for their stats, getting recommendations from their patients, etc.  Luckily, we live where we do and I found an amazing surgeon at C.H.O.P who cared for Grace through her first 3 surgeries.  He was gentle and kind and Grace adored him telling him when she was just 2 yrs old “thank you for fixing my lip”.  He retired before Grace was finished her repairs and we switched to a surgeon at DuPont who was equally amazing.   Grace had a 9-hour surgery the summer before last with complete upper jaw reconstruction. She never once complained and is true to her fashion, had a sense of humor through it all. 

Why am I droning on about my children? Well, first of all, I can, (it’s my blog!), but because after everything that has come our way my perspective as a parent, a friend, a daughter, a wife, and a mother has changed.  I finally feel myself “growing up” and realizing that the things I used to worry about no longer matter to me.   I am much less self-conscious (as evidenced by my au natural hair color) and I say what is on my mind now instead of letting it fester….sometimes that gets me in trouble, but I don’t mind! 

More importantly,  the confidence I have in what I am doing, combined with the skills I have developed over the years to find quality care have now helped me create a platform to help others. What a gift!

So for 2019, my resolution is to stay true to myself, take care of myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and continue to share what I know to ease the process for someone else.  Not a bad way to start a new year!

Thank you for all of your support and well wishes, this is going to be a great year for my family and for “A Path To Hope”.
